Contact Us
Schedule an appointment with one of our service providers. You can find us located on 146 Arlington Street, located in the Wolseley Elm building, near the intersection of Arlington Street and Westminster Avenue. Free parking is available on the street near our office. We are easily accessible by car or public transportation.
Appointments are available during weekdays, evenings, and weekend hours.
We provide both in-person and virtual sessions.
Have a question? Please do not hesitate to contact us in the following ways:
Fill out the form with your name, phone number, email address, and inquiries
Fax us at 204-784-7701
Email us at WolseleyElm@shaw.ca
For general inquiries and first appointments, phone 204-784-7700 (email preferred)
Our direct phone numbers and email addresses are listed below:
Dr. Jule Henderson
Email preferred: julehenderson@shaw.ca
Dr. Alexis Faller
Email preferred: alexis.faller@gmail.com
Clare McArton
Email preferred: claremcarton@icloud.com
Come See Us
146 Arlington St
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 1Y5
main 204-784-7700
fax 204-784-7701
Opening Hours
We are open during weekdays, evenings, and weekend hours.
Service Area
We proudly serve residents of the Manitoba area.
Methods of Payment